Project Intent

Create a mask representing an animal/ creature using only folds and cuts to form its shape. You’re also limited to a single sheet of bristol paper. Also, keep in mind the production of the mask, it should be able to be constructed by a child so keep the intended client in mind.

Ideal Client

George is a ten-year-old who loves the ocean and everything that lives in it. He enjoys arts and crafts and building with Legos.



While creating my ideation sketches I focused on specific elements of an octopus specifically head shape eyes and tentacles and created multiple ideations of the shapes and characteristics then I combined my favorite into 6 final forms to base my models on.



Full Models

By deconstructing my older version models I was able to combine my favorite features to create my final model

Finalizing Models

My next step was flattening my design to help transfer the dimensions to Adobe Illustrator

Here was my first attempt at constructing my design on Adobe Illustrator

Mask Instruction

My first step was making a mini model and documenting each step I took to create the mask. Then I went through and simplified using shapes and colors to clearly communicate each step I took. My intent with this was to make the instructions and building process as intuitive/ simple for the consumer


Project Reflection

In the end, I loved the challenge this mask presented me it made me think more deeply about my design. For example, having a purpose for each cut or tab and using peer feedback to help refine my design, even if it meant adding a couple more hours to my workload. This project made me grow as a designer and look deeper into how my intended user would interact with the product.


Whirlpool Internship Work

